Keeping Pace with Innovation from Food Safety to the Environment
Hosted with CalFP
Keynote speaker
Dr. Mark Stetter, Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine
Conference Speakers Include
- Dr. Bart Weimer, Department Chair, School of Veterinary Medicine
- Dr. Mauricio Durigan, FDA/CFSAN/OARSA
- Dr. Melanie Downs, Dept. of Food Science & Technology, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Dr. Larissa Carvalho Costa, Research Scientist, USDA-APHIS
- Dr. Selina Wang, Department of Food Science and Technology, Univ. of California, Davis
- Ruoji Luo, Application Scientist, Agilent Technologies
Additional Speakers to be Added
Topics Include
- Cyclospora cayetanensis detection in produce and water
- Impacts of climate fluctuation
- High-throughput detection of fruit tree viruses
- Detection of PFAS
- Use of AI tools to protect the food safety & supply
- Promoting consensus laboratory analytical methods to the Western US food safety community
Additional Topics to be Added
Sponsors (2024)
platinum: Waters
platinum: Bruker
gold: Agilent Technologies
gold: Pickering Laboratories
gold: Restek
basic: Sciex
basic: Perkin Elmer
basic: Equii